Vocal Coaching
Are you interested in singing?
Would you like to develop your voice or learn new styles?
Do you want coaching for performing?

Do not hesitate to contact!
All lessons are currently held online in Zoom. Online lessons work great with a laptop or tablet, so you don't necessarily need any additional equipment.
Private lesson 1x60minute / 50 €
Package 10x60minutes / 450 €
(Packages valid for 6 months from the date of purchase)
Cancellation policy
Possible cancellations/transfers of the lessons as early as possible. The lesson can be transferred 24 hours before the agreed time free of charge. Lessons cancelled later will be charged 50% of the rate. A lesson that has not been cancelled in its entirety cannot be utilized at a later date. The price of the class will be charged in full.
Thesis (May 2019)
"Kun ääni uskaltaa olla ja virrata ulos kehosta" - Laulunopettajana laulamisen esteitä raivaamassa/
"When the Voice Dares to Be and Flow out" - Removing the Barries of Singing as a Vocal Teacher
Link to full article here
Article (27th of Aug 2019)
"En minä, laulakaa te muut"
Link to full article here